Justice Rebooted

Justice Rebooted is a new mini-series examining the psychological side of virtual hearings. Using research into applied human performance, legal science and cyber-psychology, we answer all the big questions:
How will a virtual trial affect the judge/arbitrator's decision-making?
What's the best way to adapt advocacy to an online forum?
How does video-link impact the evaluation of witness testimony?
Plus practical strategies and advice designed to optimise your virtual hearing. If you'd like to read more, click here to sign up.
Control, Alt, Judge
AUG 2020
In this paper, we put virtual hearings under the microscope. Explaining what's behind dreaded Zoom fatigue, why sticky notes have stuck and how you should be making tactical use of emojis.
© Cortex Capital Limited

Sticky Notes Actually​
For advocates in the courtroom, Post-it Notes trump online chats every day of the week. This paper explains the science behind why.
© Cortex Capital Limited

Flying Cyber-Solo
OCT 2020
The social context is radically altered in virtual hearings. This paper considers how the absence of physical social presence affects both individual and team performance.
© Cortex Capital Limited

De-Coding Witness Conduct
FEB 2021​
Our behaviour is influenced heavily by our environment. Courts and courtroom conduct play a large role in guiding witness behaviour. This paper considers what can happen when a witness swaps the stand for the sofa.
© Cortex Capital Limited

Virtual Witness
NOV 2020
Virtual testimony is a topic which divides. When it comes to fact witnesses, how does the online environment impact our ability to judge credibility and is there any evidence for Pinocchio's nose?
© Cortex Capital Limited

When Good Witnesses Do Bad Things
MAR 2021​
Virtual hearings have raised concerns about witness coaching. But are witnesses really more likely to break the rules when testifying online? The science behind cheating and dishonesty sheds an intriguing perspective.
© Cortex Capital Limited